"Is About" is more than just jewellery, it's fashion meets altruism!
Our mission is simple yet powerful: to encourage people to embrace the moment and find joy in giving back.
We believe that small actions can make a big difference. With this in mind, "Is About" has committed to donating 10% of its business profits to selected charity. This ensures that every piece of jewellery purchased from "Is About" becomes a symbol of impact and compassion.
Our goal is to prove that one does not need to be a millionaire to make a difference. When customers choose our jewellery, they are investing in more than just fashion pieces, they are part of a positive movement for change.
We want to empower everyone to live in the moment, appreciate life's little pleasures and be kind to others. By wearing 'Is About' jewellery, individuals remember their commitment to kindness and self-love.
"Every Piece, Every Person, Every Moment: It's About You."